The prototype I-16 (the TsKB-12) first flew in 1933. Production
began in 1934 making it the world's first production monoplane fighter
with retractable landing gear-- 50 mph faster than the latest US fighter
in service, the Boeing P-26.
The I-16 fought in the Spanish Civil War forcing the German's to commit
the Messerschmitt Bf-109 to the war. I-16s also flew in the Chinese
air force against the Japanese in the late 30's.
Early successes lead the Red Air Force to believe that the I-16 could
meet any threat. When Germany invaded in 1941, over 88% of the Red
Air Force inventory consisted of I-16s.
The I-16 picked up the nicknames Mosca
(Fly) by Spanish Republican forces and Rata (Rat) by
Nationalist forces. It was best known as Ishak (Little
Donkey) in Russia.